
I never thought that writing this book, The Landmines in our Spiritual Journey, and The Third-dimensional Man Christ The Anointed One, was ever possible.

I live an ordinary life. But my knowledge and depth of spiritual understanding is a gift from God, and sometimes it’s frightening!  This book doesn’t reflect my everyday learning and personal experience from a child into an adult but from the Holy Spirit’s knowledge and wisdom.

To Overcome And Win Spiritual Battles

Be Prepared For Every Possible Outcome

We must practice faith by walking in the anointing and living a holy and consecrated life before God. When we exercise our faith, there will be times when we will struggle with things that used to be easy but are now confusing and frustrating.

We have to practice rebuking by using the blood of Jesus Christ as the source of our strength. Pray using the Word of God and exercising our spiritual muscles. Ask God for discernment, so that we can see the unseen and know the unknown.

We cannot allow fear to take root in our lives. The most unprepared people are the ones that suffer the most loss. In contrast, the people who are prepared are the ones who experience victory.

Opens the door to truth

Full Of Inspiration And Words Of Knowledge

This book requires you to read it more than once because it
provides a detailed look at the fall of Lucifer, and how darkness was
established. God sent His only begotten Son in the image and likeness of sinful flesh to destroy the works of darkness and Lucifer,
This book is full of inspiration and words of knowledge that
will challenge certain views and concepts pertaining to truth that was
never realized but plays a significant role in your everyday life

Opens the door to truth

This Book Illustrates The Relevance of Christian Doctrines For proper Conduct to Enable True Believers to harvest God’s Favors for A victorious Life in Christ

We must understand the fundamentals of being a true believer in Christ and the sacrifices required to maintain integrity and godly values. Sometimes trying to live your Christian values creates hostility from unbelievers who oppose Christian beliefs and cultures. Even so, be a witness of truth and a representative of God living His holy words with pride and dignity.

Don't miss it!

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God uses different circumstances to get our attention. He uses various elements to bring about change in our life. He has a way of getting our attention by putting things in our hearts that will be interesting to us which will result in us wanting those things.

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Naples, FL, United States.