Be very distinct in Your faith
God called us to be a people separate and apart from the world. He also wants us to be very distinct in our faith and our belief. He doesn’t want us to be ordinary or typical Christians.
He that dwells in the secret place of the MOST HIGHEST shall abide under the shadows of the ALMIGHTY
We have to walk with confidence. To do so, it takes practice. Practice being optimistic and self-aware. Practice feeling good about yourself and speak positively at all times despite how you feel or think.
Paul Barham
A Different Learning Process
I wanted to go to a theological college for leadership training
with the advice from my bishop. After consulting with my bishop,
I had a dream that week I was in a classroom with other students,
and they were all dressed inappropriately to be trained as leaders of
the church. It is not the type of look God desires in the people He
chooses to represent Him as leaders in the church.
I heard in my spirit, This is not for you. I will teach you Myself in
the school of the Holy Spirit.
A lot of my teaching and understanding is direct from the Holy
Spirit. I am motivated and inspired by the Word of God. David said
he encouraged himself in the Lord. I live by those words.
Praise the Lord for the things that I now know and have come
to understand. God has taken me on a journey completely different
from the traditional church training and practices. Because this was
a different learning process, I had to rely on the voice of God during
this journey. I have learned everything just by listening to His voice.
I understand some things that don’t make sense to other people.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)
Many times we struggle with communicating the truth, and our values that are consistent with our faith.
We develop bad habits by consistently ignoring our conviction. Our voice of conscience is suppressed by our feelings for the purpose of not offending the people we love, adore and admire out of respect for various reasons, but also out of fear of losing something of importance. We may fear being ostracised for not falling in line, and we want to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Other times we lie to ourselves by wanting to live a life that is inconsistent with our beliefs, to fit into an uncomfortable relationship or job to please someone else’s expectations.
Suppressing our feelings can cause low self-esteem, by continuing to lie to ourselves and living in denial. In the end, it results in oppression and sadness.
Truth is associated with Godliness, inspired by the Holy Spirit for strength, zeal, and determination. Living in denial, fear, and insecurity will cause you to navigate into a path of dishonesty and pretense that leads to anxieties and sadness. God wants us to be truthful to ourselves and others, even if we suffer in the process, and risk losing things that are dear to us by standing for truth. But you may be surprised at the fulfilling effects it can have to calm a lousy situation and make it right.
So we need to stand up and hold firm to our convictions and faith.
The truth will give us the desired freedom from oppression, hidden pain, and internal conflicts that arise from past hurt and unforgiveness.
Knowing the truth will give us an admirable and intense desire for God. It fills the void in our heart, removes the empty feelings of desperation, and helps us to forget the bad experiences that are so embarrassing. However, it doesn’t fit the image we want to portray, the face and smile of pretense, shielded to guard against exposing our internal anger and rage.
Acknowledging truth will give us confidence, and is the antidote for deep hurts, anger, and sadness.
Confronting false, unbelievable and untouchable situations and circumstances will give freedom. Freedom inspires confidence and a clear conscience for spiritual awareness and growth, preparing the heart for prayer, praise, and worship.