Satan is on a mission to subvert the church. Christians, washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, must walk with discernment, walk in wisdom, and have a clear understanding of the Kingdom’s authority granted to them as the church, the body of Christ, the Son of the living God.
We must walk with determination and confidence, even when we don’t know where we are going and what we want to accomplish in this life and our faith.
If you lack confidence, and are easily confused because you’re not sure where you are, and where you are going, you will fall in the devil’s trap or “spiritual landmine.” Many of God’s people today are ignorant of the essential requirement of the christian faith, with no knowledge of the great harm that the devil can do to them if they walk out of God’s will.
The devil does not want you to understand your true potential in God through Christ. He tries to convince you to doubt your abilities and to question your capabilities in the faith.
Satan wants to keep you down and keep you bound in the hope that you will stay dormant and useless. Knowledge is power! God wants you to know the truth, and only the truth shall set you free. The truth is the Word of God, the sword of the spirit.
The devil will put “spiritual landmines” in front of you that you will hardly recognize. The most capable and active landmines work very effectively because they include the people you trust, familiar places you are fond of, and the things you love and adore.
People are easily deceived by the things they love, enjoy, and trust when there is no reason to doubt their motives and sincerity.
Satan will put people in your life to hinder and discourage you, and cause you to doubt your abilities. He will put obstacles in your path to promote failures and cause you to struggle and lose hope and confidence.
The Bible says that we must be watchful. Watchful of our environment and surroundings, and be prayerful with these words in mind.